Embroidery of India - doeraa

Embroidery of India

Embroidery in India varies according to the region and material used and consists of a wide range of embroidery styles. The eloquent tradition of embroidery fabric persists in India. The states and...

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doeraaHistory of Needlework - doeraa

History of Needlework

Historically, needlepoint designs were typically drawn by amateur embroiderers, sometimes from patterns published in Europe as early as the 16th century, or by professional embroiderers, most of wh...

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embroideryThe art of embroidery - doeraa

The art of embroidery

By definition, embroidery is the art of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn. It is one of the oldest and most traditional methods of breathing life into a fa...

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doeraaTextiles tell tales - doeraa

Textiles tell tales

Textiles tell tales of the hands that made them, the time they were made in, the purpose they were made for and how they have been passed down through generations, the same piece of clothing gracin...

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